Business Biography

We write the history of your company

We write business biographies. Big and small. It could be the little flyer that gives an overview of a company’s history or a particular phase. Or it could be the whole big book production. We have written several company biographies, and we have learned that it takes time and requires close collaboration between the company and us who write.

In order to achieve the optimal result, it is important to have clear lines, precise deadlines and a common understanding of how the final product should look. In production, we can either be responsible for all or part of the work. We work with the skilled graphic designers, printers and concept people at Conexia.

See here the latest example of a business biography we have written. It happened as part of the company Inter Primo’s 60th anniversary. In this connection, we were responsible for all the work from synopses, interviews, archive search, images and graphics as well as translation into English, layout and print.

Example of business biography PRIMO BOG_ENG

Here is an example of an illustrative infographic for the above book that explains a complex industrial process in detail:

Infografik til bog

Feel free to contact us for a non-committal, introductory talk about your project.